Fuzzy Logic and Mathematical Education
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Published: 1 October 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
From remote times, the history of the human being is developed by a successive chain of steps and sometimes jumps, until the relative sophistication of the modern brain and its culture. The historical origin of the Artificial Intelligence is usually established at Darmouth Conference (1956). In this year, John McCarthy coined the term, and defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines". But it is many more, multiply connected with many other fields, as Neuroscience or Philosophy. And we can find many more arcane origins, perhaps to Plato, Raimon Llull, Leibniz, Pascal, Babbage, Torres Quevedo, …, with its attempts to create thinking machines. Also the construction of artifacts devoted to more quick, and based in logic computation. So, A I will be interpreted as the area of Computer Science focusing on creating machines that can engage on behaviors that humans consider intelligent. Recall topics as Turing test, Strong vs Weak AI, Chinese Room argument, and so on. Until now, more than fifty years of modern AI. Researchers are attempting to create systems which mimic human thought, or understand speech, or beat the best human chess player. Understanding intelligence and creating intelligent artifacts are the twin goals of AI. Also, we can consider, in more recent times, very great mathematical minds, as von Neumann, Wiener, Shannon, Turing, Moisil, or Zadeh.
Keywords: Mathematical Education; Mathematical Logic; Fuzzy Logic; AI; Computer Science.

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How to Cite
Angel Garrido. (2018-10-01). "Fuzzy Logic and Mathematical Education." *Volume 2*, 4, 1-5